トーテムとは、家族や血縁などの集団にとっての聖なる象徴です。トーテムの多くは、動植物などのかたちをしています。自分の先祖が自然界の存在とつながりをもち、 自分もそれらと深いつながりを持っているという考え方が背景にあります。
A totem is a sacred symbol for a group, such as a family or lineage. Many totems take the form of animals or plants. The idea behind totems is that one’s ancestors have connections with entities in the natural world, and individuals also have deep connections with them.
This series consists of artworks depicting endangered species symbolically classified as totems in a museum-like display (Wunderkammer). The classification method for drawing deliberately arranges various symbolic representations, ranging from masks used in rituals and festivals related to the subject animals to mascot characters, to reconsider the connection between humans and animals (the natural world).
制作年 Year
発表場所 Venue
Gallery DAM, ソウル, 韓国
発表期間 Date
April 14-27, 2017